Tip 3- participating is a tip that I want to start using it , my whole life i always been a shy person rarely participate especially if I wasn’t sure of the answer i wouldn’t even try to participate but now .I want to participate a little more especially if i confidently know the answer because now i understand if. I participate I’m able to learn from others and people don’t worry about you getting the wrong answer .
Tip 9- Asking for help is another thing I struggle with because I feel like I’m taking people time away but i want to start working on that ask more help and ask questions when. I don’t understand something so I can better understand the topic , project not just sit there and not understand anything and just basically setting myself for failure.
Jennifer, I understand that we agree on the term of participating only when we know the answer. I would do the same. But there is a lot more beside knowing something, than getting to learn something. So, it’s fine being wrong because the purpose of English class is to acknowledge students coming up with different ideas and opinions. This way, we will learn to be confidence and learn from our peers. And don’t worry we all have difficulty in participating. You’ll do better.
Participating is challenging for me too and even when I do know the answer I prefer to stay quiet but I find it intriguing that when we are with our friends, we aren’t afraid to say what is on our mind because of the comfortability. So it can also be how comfortable we feel with the classroom, just like how I feel intimidated when there are students that participate a lot and I don’t know no one so it’s best to ask for help and learn.
I know many of my students are shy but eventually I am hoping everyone feels comfortable to add their voices to our community of learners!
Jennifer Please remember ONE category only!