Success Tips-Jazmine

Tip #1: Find study skills that work for you

Finding a way to study that perfectly suits you is very important especially in college you need to constantly be studying to keep up and to further understand some of the material. Understanding what environments or what you need in order to study will benefit you in the long run. There are many different ways you can go about this you can try out different methods but just because one method didn’t work for you doesn’t mean that non will. I feel that studying is often viewed as you need to sit down in silence isolated and just stare at the information given to you in class, this may work for some people but speaking out of experience the quieter it is the harder it is for me to focus. I need at least some background music or sometimes I put on the first show I see I also cannot just rely on the information or text given to me in class I need to write it in a way I will understand or for texts/readings I leave side comments summarizing the section I just read as well as I underline words that I don’t know and replace them with ones I do know.

Tip #2: Ask for help!

Asking for help is another big tip that needs to be focused on more sometimes students often have a hard time understanding and are afraid to ask. Students should be able to ask for help and feel comfortable enough to ask for help even if it be from another student or a professor. Having the mentality were you cant ask for help or that you should understand without needing extra help wont benefit you. It shouldn’t be viewed as embarrassing some people need extra help or they just need something to be explained in a different way to fully understand. I struggle to sometimes ask for help because I use to view it as if I ask for help the person helping me will silently judge me and think of me as lower because I am not able to understand something that they find so easy. We all have strengths and weaknesses and you should always ask for help when you need it.

2 thoughts on “Success Tips-Jazmine”

  1. Hi Jasmine, I totally agree finding a way to study that perfectly suits you because everyone has their own strategy in studying since everyone is different not everyone can focus studying the way you study. And studying with background noises is a great advice for people who get distracted easily. I also feel like if you study you’re not fully prepared since people happen to forget easy things that are super important. Asking for help is very important but I agree a lot of people struggle with reaching out for help since people are so easy to shut down and try to figure things out on there own which can hurt or help you. when you mentioned we all have strengths and weaknesses I think we can feed off of each others strengths and weaknesses because one persons strength might be your weakness and another persons weakness can be your strength so it can benefit both parties.

  2. Hey Jazmine, I relate to how you can feel about needing to ask for help and being judged for it, personally me I feel like I could figure it out myself sometimes when I’m lost and sometimes it works and sometimes not but a efficient way to combat this is to do what you said and just understand everyone’s minds are different and everyone learns different so sometimes people need more help understanding which can only mean your shouldn’t be afraid to reach out to understand better.

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