
Hi my name is Christi Chan. I am a Rad-Tech major.I am born and raised in New York but my parents are from Guyana and Trinidad. My favorite things to do are listening to music and watching tv shows/movies. I don’t have a favorite artist but if I had to pick it would be The Weeknd and my favorite movie is Grease.I used to play basketball on my school’s team.I disliked playing sports when I was in middle school but when I got to high school, I started to love it throughout the season. The practices and making friends with my teammates were the best part.

My mom definitely motivates me when it comes to my education and life. She’s very hard working and independent. Even though she didn’t go to college she still is very successful but she always tell me your education is very important so not only am I doing this for me,I am doing this for her.I hope this class can help me enhance my writing skills so I can become a better writer as well as my reading. I don’t read many books but I loved reading the Great Gatsby and watching the movie as well.I am looking forward to this semester and this class.

3 thoughts on “Introduction-Christi”

  1. Hello Christi! First, your picture with your mom is so lovely. It’s nice to hear about your wonderful relationship with your mom, and I hope I can have that kind of relationship with my daughter when she gets older. If you like plays and/or musicals, I definitely recommend Moulin Rouge. It is my favorite musical ever. Its was so nice reading your introduction! I hopefully will be transferring into Rad Tech next year so hopefully you can give me some input on how the major is for yourself.

  2. Thanks for this lovely picture with your mom! I love the theme that many of you are showing tributes to our mothers. The women in our families are often the backbone of our successes and they deserve the recognition.

    I am glad to know you remember great reads. I too love the novel the Great Gatsby. Many of the lines in the book still come to me at moments. Do you remember when Jordan tells Nick that she doesn’t have to be a cautious careful driver as long as other drivers are? That statement makes me think that if everyone drove like that how would anyone feel safe on the roads? So many lines from that book and from that movie stand out. Does that feel so for you?

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