Civil Engineering

Othmar Ammann is the civil engineer who assisted in the design, and build of many prominent US bridges and majority are located in New York City.  Ammann was involved in the development of the following bridges: the George Washington Bridge, Hell Gate Bridge, Goethals Bridge, Outerbridge Crossing, Bayonne Bridge, Triborough Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, Delaware Memorial Bridge, Wards Island Bridge, Walt Whitman Bridge, Throgs Neck Bridge, and  Verrazano Narrows Bridge
Picture of a school building in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake

“We saw the worst case scenario in substandard construction,” Ghannoum said. “Usually we use deformed steel bars in concrete, which helps them bond to the concrete. Most of the bars we saw, maybe 80 percent, were smooth so they just slid through the concrete. There was practically no confining steel to keep the concrete intact during shaking. The concrete itself was very sandy, with very little cement. We could crumble the concrete with our hands”

Blue infrastructure technologies tend to have the characteristics of being more compact and efficient than their conventional technology surrogates. Likewise, they are also particularly well-suited to retrofit into existing urban infrastructure, or gray infrastructure, and are also effective when used in combination with green infrastructure, serving as either pretreatment systems to improve their efficacy and facilitate maintenance or to provide space-efficient treatment trains.
Destruction at Fukushima Nuclear Plant.
Louisiana Levee


My Flipagram of Civil Engineering in NYC

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