About Me

This is my short autobiography about my life and how I decided on becoming a Dental Hygienist. I was born in Ukraine, a beautiful European country. I received an education there and got my Masters degree in chemical engineering. After receiving my degree I worked for the Government, I would analyze heavy metals in soil, water and air. Later, I settled down with my husband and new daughter in the city, where I continued to work as a chemical engineer. After two years, Ukraine’s economic forces were very poor, so my husband, daughter, and I immigrated to this new and vast place called America. It was very difficult because we were all alone in this place and we didn’t know the language. To learn English, I applied to the Kings-borough Community College and started to take some night classes and worked during the day. I worked as a home attendant. As I was working I realized that I loved to help people and care for their health.

So, I decided that it was time to change my profession, something preferably in the medical field. One day I came to my dentist for an appointment and my friend, a Dental Assistant was going on vacation and the dentist needed someone to cover for her. After my appointment, the doctor asked if I was willing to volunteer in his office, and if he liked my work, he will accept me as a substitute for my friend, and maybe offer me a permanent position.This was the beginning of my love of dentistry.

After a couple of years I realized that I can’t stop now, I have to be something more. I was ready to take on greater responsibilities and challenges on my shoulders. All of this forced me to apply for the Dental Hygiene Program. Being a part of the Dental Hygiene Program and continuing to maintain a good education was a challenge and it wasn’t easy but I didn’t give up. I continued to work hard to make sure that my dream would come true. Due to my persistence I accomplished a number of things including  a certificate from the  PHI THETA KAPPA HONOR SOCIETY.

Two years of the Dental Hygiene Program at NYCCT gave me the confidence that has driven me to speak with my patients and interact with the people around me. I am ready to finally start the career that I have been made for and I will share all of my knowledge with my patients and doctors, my journey from a homeattendent to a future RDH was rocky and had many bumps, but it was one of the most important and amazing decisions that I have made in my life.