Case studies

Case study #1.

Initial visit, 32 years old African American Male, Healthy, non smoker, presented in clinic with bilateral lesions of buccal mucosa. After etraoral and intraoral assessment no other significant findings. lesions appears as a traumatic lesions. Patient states that he has a habit to chew his cheeks. Danger of this habit was explained to the patient.


This was one of the cases that I worked on. A man who continually bit his cheeks.


Case study #2

Recall visit, 58 years old African American Woman, with no significant medical history, presented in appointment with bilateral lesions. After assessment lesions where diagnosed as a traumatic asymptomatic  lesion from cheek biting. Patient is aware about for many years.



Case study #3

Initial visit, 38 years old, White Male, Healthy, present for regular dental hygiene appointment.  FMS X-rays where assigned for complete diagnosis.   After interpretation of X-rays RO lesion with RL border on the maxillary arch superior to the teeth #10-12 where founded.  Patient states that nothing bodes him, and he doesn’t know about. For more detail diagnosis PAN was exposed. Patient was referred to Oral surgeon for evaluation.

