Individual Strengths

Individual Strengths

The nursing profession is ranked 17 times in a role the most trusted profession in the United States. Contributing factor to this acknowledgment is patients, families, and caregivers knowing firsthand how nurses are driven by patient-centered care. For this reason, nurses are ranked higher than physicians, police officers, clergy, and educators. Every day and across all health care facilities, nurses are the front lines for providing care to millions of people. So it is evident that the work we do is very important and there is strength in the profession. My personal strengths are self-awareness, cultural competence, critical thinking, competent communication, empathy, and time management skills.

Self-awareness is a valued skill that requires conscious effort. Paying attention to your own feelings and attitudes is critical to becoming aware of your needs and recognizing approaches for managing unacceptable ways of thinking or acting.This learning process is always ongoing, which I consciously make time for in order to become a better nurse.

Cultural competence is another concept in nursing that I cherish. I come from a background of rich culture so believing that individual values or beliefs can be incorporated into their care of plan is nothing short of amazing. Cultural competency in nursing practice is the foundation for providing quality care for all cultures. I hope to integrate my patient values and values into their care. Patients are likely to be compliant if their cultural needs are catered for through nursing.

Throughout the nursing program, critical thinking and time management are tools instilled into us. Becoming a competent nurse, the profession requires you to master critical thinking. What makes this thinking different from that of physicians?  We are required to view a patient in a different unique way and engage with patients through caring. Suspending judgments and having an open mind in nursing practice leads to competent and safe patient care.

Competent communication in the nursing profession is another important tool for becoming a successful nurse. In the profession, there are constant interactions with different patients and families. Because of this reason, speaking effectively is important as well as what they communicate to you.

Empathy is another area of strength for me. The profession requires possessing empathy and compassion for others. I interact effectively with patients to help them cope with their situation and also try to understand them.