
Learning Self-Analysis of the BSN Program

Comparing my experience from the associate’s to that of the bachelors is different, not in a bad way. My journey from the associate’s program was challenging which involved hard work and late nights. I suppose that the experience prior has prepared me for this journey. The assistance and training from the associate’s program helped me easily adapt to the dynamics of the BSN program. The preparation I gained earlier on has helped me expand my knowledge and skills in the clinical practice which was my concern earlier on in the program

Through the BSN program, we are required to research, use evidence-based practice in our nursing, and also broaden our perspectives because there are more opportunities for Registered Nurses out there. I believe that I now fully understand how evidence-based practices are integrated into a patient’s plan of care.

Another important key to becoming a successful nurse is advocating on behalf of your patients. I believe that I know what it takes to be a true advocator for my patients. Even though the role of nursing advocacy is poorly understood, it defends patients’ rights and interests in decision making. I am thankful that I learned this important foundation of patient-centered care through this program.

Finally, nurses as part of the health care providers in the health system are responsible for providing care for patients who are based on ethical issues. It can be challenging deciding on the right thing to do but I believe that I have the right tools to seek the best way of caring for my patients.

With the BSN program nearing the end, I am confident that I have gathered the skills needed to advance in my nursing career.