Self Evaluation Post 8

I believe I am doing pretty well on the job. I find myself pretty busy when there is work to do, so I would like to take that as a good sign that I am useful and do not need to be micromanaged. I give my creative input when an Idea comes up that can not happen. For example, my job site creates a lot of ads. A lot of them some old and new end up looking like Dr.Zizmor

Image result for dr.zizmor ad

Slanted Pictures and text with no grid and margin, or just an overwhelming amount of text. I just like clean modern design with plenty of space to breath. Below is an example. This is an ad I dislike for many reasons like colors, photo feathering, and that poor cut out of the rolled up money. The vertical conversion just looks slightly cleaner to me. I don’t have permission to change the image or the color or I would have done so. I did it once before and they dislike that I did so. I chose a modern business feel they were going for the classic strict business look.