On The Job Learning 2 Post 5

Another thing I can say I am learning on the job is time management. I’m pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the projects I am given I finish them with the hour or a couple. I have learned unless it is needed asap to take the time to double check things even though the content given to me was supposed to have already been proofread by two sometimes three people. A situation came up where I was given content that I did not read it because I was just supposed to redesign and update what was already there.

So after multiple finished versions, it finally got printed and the older lady that I mentioned in a previous journal blog decided to read it and she found tons of misspellings and grammatical errors that no one else found. My supervisor got some words from the founder. Again none of it was directed at me but the tension was thick in the air. I was given content that was checked 3 times by three different people. Even if I got yelled at I would have just laughed it off because I had nothing to do with proofreading, I was just told to put it together. Though when I can If the content is small enough or if I have some time extra time ill run it through a spell checker just to save someone from getting yelled at.