The Culture Post 3

I am a person who connects through vibes. I can feel the tension in the air and I’m sure all offices have some. I will say I don’t like to see people being disrespected in the workplace even if they are incompetent. If you hired a person, it is now your responsibility to either fire the person or elevates their skills through training. I’m not speaking about myself, but my first day working here I witness disrespect being thrown at an older lady who is let’s say technology challenged. I have bee raised to respect my elders no mater any situation. so it was surprising for the first day.

The culture of the place I work is weird just like any  formal environment to me. The people are extremely nice but there is something off about the work environment. The workspace is small and cluttered and the founder of the company only talks when he needs something. when he does it’s usually in a rude manner. He never talks to any of the interns so it’s not directed at us but I feel bad for his actual employees. Which is why the mood of the office is probably odd.

Other then the mood for the law office, it is a very formal setting. I usually wear the same shirt because I hate formal setting. I choose not to spend money on clothes if I am not being paid to work there. I have formal clothes if I need them that fits how I dress but barely any for a formal setting like this. Moving on I like to sit at the corner of conference table because this was the only window that had direct sunlight and view of the street.  The blinds open enough to see what was going on out there. I like to have lots of direct sunlight in my work environment and fresh air. The opposite is what the owner of the company likes so all the windows must stay closed with a humorous post on them