Why I choose this place Post 2

Well, to be honest time was ticking. During the ending of my search, I was scared I could not find an internship on time. I had been on 3 interviews and a phone and time were ticking away fast, then faster then I was out of options. I contacted my supervisor who is head of operations by email. I got the contact from the Prof. and emailed my supervisor the same night. I introduced my self and sent her my portfolio website.

The following day while I was at the gym I got an email saying can I make it to her office for an interview that same day in the time frame of 2 hours. I couldn’t make it but said yes anyway and rushed there. She hired me on the spot and said I can start the next day. The phone Interview I had who I ruled out called me a couple day after I accepted and offered me the internship, now I was in a jam. Though I had only worked there for few days I knew I disliked the work I was doing. The choice was, be an honest jerk and quit after my supervisor express to me that they need a person who can do layouts and gave me several projects. Or choose the place I knew I get the most challenging work out of to use for my portfolio and work experience.

I decided to stay at the place that hired me first because I felt it would have been unprofessional of me to leave so suddenly. Though my portfolio would have been happy my conscious would have eaten at me for making a commitment and quitting because I have never done so.