Where I have Landed Post 1

To start off I did my best to seek an internship that would showcase my skills. I could not land one in time as the all either already started or started too late and the one I did land was remote. It was a company in Texas looking to expand and was doing so by the use of interns to take on the incoming workflow. It would have been useful for my portfolio but taking internship would have meant I would have to quit a commitment I just have I have just. So I stayed for professionalism.

I currently intern at The New Chambers of Commerce. I thought this was a traveling firm because based on the information I got, it was called Caribbean American Weekly. This was just a side newspaper the “law office” publishes. They are currently working on new paper they are trying to start called Workers’ World Today. This work site is a pretty small company in downtown Brooklyn. Their primary business is to help people in need of a lawyer as this is truly a law office. But they extend their help. They have plenty of side businesses to help small business or people looking to self-employ.

I don’t see the lawyer side of the business or its clients but I see the weekly meeting the have for the small business owners. The information they give them is pretty helpful. I could not find any articles own this small company but I read a lot of the stuff they put in their publishings. From what I understand, They truly want to help people monetize themselves for a small cost and in some cases free. show people alternative routes and how to get government contracts for things as small as a person who creates picture frames.