On The Job Learning 3 Post 6

One personal thing I learned on the job is that I am not as nonchalant as I thought I was. I usually try not to let things affect me because I refuse to let someone be the controller of my mood. But when the work piled on(like in any workplace) on me during crunch time because of an event they were having every second counted. I was given the opportunity to do an intro in Adobe After Eectsfor the award ceremony. She said you can do it in whatever program you used to do a class project I showed her during my interview. Here is where things went downhill.

After learning the award ceremony was 4 work days for me away I began to panic because that meant I had 3 of those 4 work days to get it done. Not only did I begin to panic but I was a bit irritated by the workload. On top of that,  I am one of two people with my own laptop so a lot of the files they have cant be opened on there computers because they have older versions. So when I would try to work on the really important thing she would give me 3 things that can be done by another graphic design intern even after I explained I need time to work on the intro.

To make a super long story short she gave me side projects instead of giving them to the other design intern. Because of this the into did not get done properly. There was a placeholder left on the last awardee name and what I rendered out took 8 hours because my laptop ram is low for a speedy render. There was no more time to render at this point. I was working to 1 in the morning to get it done and did not get the message about the placeholder until 5 pm the next day. After all the rushing I learned I have to learn to breath yes I could have been more vocal about needing more time and fewer side projects but the wrong was not on me. Who waits days before to start such an important project. Like I said before there is always work to b done here.