
Career Coach James Levin came to our Internship class on September 14, 2016 and during that time, he gave us some useful information and his personal advice about searching for jobs. In his talk to the class he mentions some important facts of what to keep in mind when searching for a job and one of the important facts was the key of finding a job is you have to love your job and if you got a job, prepare & organize yourself every morning so you will be success at work.  This was very useful to me because it is exactly what I want to focus on when I graduate city tech, I want to find a job that I love and inspired.

As Coach Levin continues his talk he mentions another important fact that you as a student should do when applying for job. From his experience when finding a job he does not recommend you to send your resume and cover letter to every company but to select the company that has a philosophy that you like for instance a work style you will enjoy. Also he recommends to send your resume and cover letter through email, that way the interviewer can review and see if you are fit in their job description.

When his talk came to an end, he mentions one last important fact about an easier way to find an internship or a job. He mentions to stay connected with your professors and friends because by doing so you will have a better chance in finding what you are looking for based on recommendations from your professor and friends who already taken an internship.

Overall it was a great time meeting Coach James Levin, because of him I now understand how do prepare myself in the future when finding a job or internship in the future.