Two weeks ago on November 2nd me and the entire class went to the Cooper Hewitt Museum where we observe different designs made by graphic artist.  I was very happy that we went there because its was a beautiful day and the museum was amazing. The Cooper Hewitt Museum had different exhibitions based on Fashion in clothing and objects, Textiles with a mixer of different colors and old history technology from the 1950s-1980s. The best thing about the Cooper Hewitt Museum is that there were a lot of creativity. Every room I went were designs all around and it gave me a relaxing feeling. There were so much immersion in different clothing. Artist taking scraps of fabric and objects and combining them into colorful clothing and they were poster designs that  just had color. And by seeing these colorful poster ads, its gives you a meaning / definition of how the artist feel when creating it.

One of the interesting objects that I found at the Cooper Hewitt was an old calculator and a typewriter. These objects were very interesting to me because it reminds of my mom when she was little and that when she had to do homework, she use the typewriter to write her homework and the calculator to solve the math problems.

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One of the funnest part being there was in the garden area by the museum, me and the entire intern class tried out the rolling chair where you had to constantly roll around. Overall it was an amazing experience being there. By observing these exhibits and learning more about the artist just taught me that being a graphic designer, you can do anything and that’s one of my goals I’m going to remember when I graduate college and start my life.