
It was my second day at the Go Project, I was excited and looking forward to start making designs. When I arrive to the Go, I met Alexis again, she was happy to see me and started to give me my first task for the day. My first task was to redesign an advertising ad of the GO Project Saturday Tutoring event where parents can sign up and send their kids to get tutoring sessions at the GO Project in order to improve their disability skills.

So the whole day I started to work on redesigning the ad.  During my time working on the ad, some of the workers came by to see my progress and made great complements of my work.  At the end of day I finished retweeking the ad and call Alexis to come over and check my final work. When she checked it, she was very impressed that she print it out and show to the rest of the team of what i done.  I was very happy and proud of what I done and that how my day ended.