
After three weeks in finding an internship, I finally got accepted to work for the go project. I was very happy and excited that I was looking forward in working with go project to get experience. Last week was an amazing experience. It was my first day at the Go Project!!!. I woke up very early in the morning. Ate a healthy breakfast, dress professionally  and left my house to head to the go project. When I arrive to the location of the go project, I realize that it was located inside the Grace Church School. So I went inside head to the front desk. Ask the security guard what floor is the go project.  The security guard was very nice to me and told me that it is located on the third floor and you can take the elevator from here. So I took the elevator and got to the to the third floor. When I finally got off the elevator, I got to the main entrance of the go project and that where my internship begins.