Blog #1-My Journey To The Go Project



After three weeks in finding an internship, I finally got accepted to work for the go project. I was very happy and excited that I was looking forward in working with go project to get experience. Last week was an amazing experience. It was my first day at the Go Project!!!. I woke up very early in the morning. Ate a healthy breakfast, dress professionally  and left my house to head to the go project. When I arrive to the location of the go project, I realize that it was located inside the Grace Church School. So I went inside head to the front desk. Ask the security guard what floor is the go project.  The security guard was very nice to me and told me that it is located on the third floor and you can take the elevator from here. So I took the elevator and got to the to the third floor. When I finally got off the elevator, I got to the main entrance of the go project and that where my internship begins.

Blog #2 My Internship Begins



Finally my time has come , I entered the go project. When I got in, the first person I met was Olivia which was the assistant director of the go project. She was a very nice and took me to meet my supervisor Alexis. Once I got to her desk, Alexis saw me and that’s where we met. I introduce myself to her and she introduce herself too, then after we met she gave a tour of the entire office and introduce me to her other staff members. All the workers I’ve met there were very nice to me and happy that I am interning here. When the introduction was over, Alexis took me to the conference room where she wanted to get to know me more. During my time in the conference room, Alexis gave a brief overview of what they do at the go project and the goals they are trying to accomplish. Also she describe to me the task that I as an intern going to focus on. Plus I told her more things about me and what i’m really good at.

After the brief overview, Alexis show where i’m going to work and gave me first task to type a biography about me so she can send it via email to her staff member so they can know me more. Once I finished typing my biography, lunch time started. Alexis invited me to go to lunch with her and we both went to lunch where I join the other staff members.  So far I had a great time at lunch. The staff members were very nice, had a great talk with them and I got to know more about what they do. Also I had a wonderful time talking to Alexis of what I’m going to be concentrating after I graduate from college.

When lunch time was over, I went back upstairs with Alexis and after I settle down at my desk, she gave me my second task of what we are going to be doing as a team for the rest of the month which is redesigning a poster ad for an event that is coming in the next two weeks. During the rest of time, she show me the main website to get to know more about the go project. Towards the end of the day when my time was over I say goodbye to Alexis and the rest of the staff members and ended my day with joy. Can’t wait to come back again to start these projects.