Article Reviews:

  • I reviewed an Article for The Journal Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. (See Exhibit 18.3B, Other). The managing editor Oksana Parfenova ( wrote to me on 5/25/19 to ask if I would review the article entitled ““Parasites in a ‘Gardening State’: Metaphors, Worlding Projects and Pest Control in a Hungarian Village.”


  • I reviewed an Article for The Journal of East Central Europe (ECE). (See Exhibit 18.3B, Other)

Adela Hincu wrote to me November 2, 2016 on behalf of the editorial board of the “Journal of Eastern Europe” to ask me to review a journal submitted to a special issue entitled: “The world between us. Negotiating social categories of the State Security in interwar Romania.”  The article was entitled “The Extraordinary Life of An Ordinary Man. Árpád Mózes Szabó (1927-1987).”