Welcome to Lizeth Pilamunga’s e-portfolio, which represents the culmination of her academic career and the start of her professional journey.


Lizeth Pilamunga graduating student with a Business and Technology of Fashion BS Degree from the New York City College of Technology (CUNY) with a focus on global and luxury markets.

Through this e-portfolio, one can explore the academic journey of Lizeth Pilamunga as she completes the core classes required for a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Technology of Fashion in Business and Technology of Fashion at New York City College of Technology (CUNY). From her first-year courses to her senior-level classes, this portfolio showcases Lizeth’s growth as a student, highlighting her strengths in marketing strategy, consumer behavior, and digital marketing.

As you browse through this e-portfolio, you will witness the development of Lizeth’s research skills, attention to detail, time management, and dedication to excellence in education. Her passion for the marketing industry, especially in the areas of branding and advertising, will be evident in the various projects and assignments she has completed over the course of her academic journey.

This e-portfolio serves as a testament to Lizeth’s commitment to learning and her ability to apply her knowledge to real-world scenarios. It demonstrates her creativity, critical thinking skills, and her drive to succeed in a highly competitive field.

Lizeth’s logo is designed to reflect her career aspirations and the professional path she intends to pursue after graduation. Her use of neutral colors such as green and white is a graphic symbol using the colors green and white, either exclusively or predominantly. Green is commonly associated with nature, growth, harmony, and balance, while white connotes purity, clarity, and simplicity. Vertical lines can evoke a sense of height or dignity, while horizontal lines can suggest calmness or balance. My logo with strategically placed vertical and horizontal lines can effectively communicate a brand’s values, personality, and identity(Bell 2002).

View Lizeth’s academic history at New York City College of Technology CUNY

Follow the beginning of Lizeth’s professional career through her internship portfolio, which showcases her experiences and achievements in her industry role as a Public Relations Coordinator.