Assignment #1

Survey and Plans
DUE October 04, 8:00 am

Submitted Assignment to Dropbox Using this link

Assignment #1 Submission Link

Drawing Description
Using the case study that you have selected and Prof. approved, perform a survey that documents the case study that shall include all construction. Draw a minimum of 1 Plan (some may require 2 plans). Draw all building components, Walls, Doors and Windows including furniture, fixtures and equipment. You are required to use standard drafting techniques to construct the plan utilizing a complete and accurate survey of your case study. Case study should include minimum of 6 rooms (ie. Kitchen, Bathroom, Living room, Dining room, Bedrooms, Closets, etc. Alternatively, if you are not using a residential space or your space does not meet these requirements, you will need to present the space you are proposing for approval.)

Drawing Requirements:
• Existing survey of the Plan showing all building components with dimensions and notes.
• Minimum of 1 Plan or as determined by professor, drawn to scale (to be determined).
• Drawing scaled in viewport placed in class standard title block
• Completed Title Block
• Viewport for each drawing
• Label each viewport
• Use Standard layers
• Include all dimensions necessary to accurately describe the drawing.
• Include all notes to call out all components.

Grading Rubric
Completeness… Assignment 30%
Completeness… Survey and drawing Accuracy 30%
Completeness… Title Block 10%
Craftmanship….. Using correct layers, Line weights,
Line Types, Drawing cleanliness 20%
Craftmanship… Readability/Scale 10%

• Assignments are to be submitted to Dropbox Here by the due date and time indicated above.
• Submission should follow the class naming standard.
• Submit Cad file of Drawing
• Submit PDF file of drawing
• Submit PDF file of Survey (single multi-page file)

Samples are for reference only not as a representation of a completed assignment

Survey Sample
Survey Sample
Drawing Sample
Drawing Sample
Drawing Sample