It was great meeting everyone today and I am excited about continuing this journey with all of you.
Please take a minute and share your thoughts about our first class. Share something that you learned, something you are excited about, apprehensions, or anything else you would like to share.
All posts by Prof. Loo
Academic Integrity Pledge
Everyone, please read the pledge below and reply to this post to acknowledge your commitment to comply.
Academic Integrity Pledge
I understand the value of personal integrity and ethical behavior in all aspects of my professional and personal life. By committing to honesty and personal responsibility, I earn the respect and trust of others. As a student at New York City College of Technology, I recognize that the value of my education is not just being able to say I am a college graduate, but it also incorporates the skills, values, and knowledge I have acquired. I thus commit myself to upholding academic integrity as an important aspect of my personal integrity and professional growth. I understand that academic integrity includes:
- Fully observing the rules governing exams and assignments regarding resource material, electronic aids, copying, collaborating with others, or engaging in any other behavior that subverts the purpose of the exam or assignment, and the directions of the instructor.
- Only turning in work that I have done myself, and not using unattributed work done by others. While working and studying with others can be an effective way to learn, submitted work will be my own.
- Giving full and proper credit to sources and references, and acknowledging the contributions and ideas of others, in my academic work.
Further, I have read and understand the college’s Academic Integrity Policy found in the New York City College of Technology College Catalog, p. 56 of the spring 2020 catalog:
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