Philosophy Statement

I believe that nursing is the most noble of professions and as such, we are held to the highest ethical standards. We have a duty to uphold the principles of our profession—to practice with compassion, to foster human dignity and autonomy, to promote health, and to do no harm. It is a job, of course, but it is much more than that—it is a vocation. We are trusted public servants.

My favorite thing about nursing is that we have the opportunity to positively affect people’s lives in so many practical ways. We have many roles and responsibilities. As caregivers, we provide the highest quality patient-centered care with compassion and respect. As teachers, we educate our patients on how to achieve and maintain their best possible heath and manage the effects of the disease process. As patient advocates, we collaborate with other professionals to ensure our patients are restored to their highest level of functioning. We assess the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual impact of the disease. Nurses see the big picture—we see the whole person behind the diagnosis.

As a nurse and as a person, I believe in social justice and that every patient, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or ability to pay should be treated with dignity, compassion and the highest level of care. I believe we have a responsibility to our patients to stay current and knowledgeable on best evidenced-based practices and technologic advances. As a nurse, I will adhere to the American Nurse Association’s code of ethics for my professional practice and continuously educate myself to better serve my patients, my community, and my profession.

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