Category Archives: Electronic Profile

About Me

My name is Lesley Morocho as you can see on my profile. The reason I chose to be a student at City Tech was because I want to begin my career as being a pastry chef. Ever since I was five my dream was to be a chef. I was asked by my teachers in pre-school what I wanted to be when I was older and I drew a picture of myself in a chef suit. As the years went by I would always have that on my mind and while I was looking for a high school to apply to I found out they had some with culinary programs. The school I ended up choosing was Long Island City High School because they have a great culinary program. Before I started school I signed up for a cake decorating class at Micheal’s during the summer. It was a great experience because I was able to learn the basics of baking and decorating. Once I started school I learned more about cooking and baking. After my four years of taking culinary arts I knew that this is what I would love to do for the rest of my life. My career goal is to become a pastry chef at a well known bakery. Once I get to know what it’s like I would love to open up my own bakery and have people working for me. I am a very respectful, responsible, and creative person. This is why my interest in baking is very high because I love to draw and just be creative which is part of cake decorating. Another very important thing to have is patience when it comes to baking because you have to make sure all your measurements are exact and that is one thing I have a lot of. One of my role models is Carlos from “Cake Boss”, I was able to visit his bakery in New Jersey and it was a great experience, his cakes are delicious. Well as I begin my career at City Tech I hope to achieve all my goals to get to where I want to be.