Learning Blog

In course Professional Nursing Practice I learned a lot. This course was intensive writing course, so in addition my writing skills got very improved. During semester I have been applying analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills in the incorporation of knowledge synthesized from nursing humanities and the biological and social sciences in contemporary nursing practice.

The course was online, so among other impacts of information technology on professional nursing practice, I realized that it offers great learning and communication media. I gained experience in advocating within professional nursing organizations to effect change related to professional nursing practice; for this I attended annual faculty meeting where professors and representatives of clinical facilities reported on their achievements. I discovered that the role and responsibilities of the baccalaureate degree nurse is so wide in definition and has broad range of tasks. Among those are performing a holistic client assessment and utilizing findings to diagnose, plan, implement and evaluate the quality of health care. Baccalaureate degree nurses’ the role and responsibilities include being a leader and member of the nursing profession.

I realized that further education offers greater variety of occupations and personal as well as professional growth while compare the roles of the baccalaureate degree nurse and higher degree prepared nurses. Based course content I set long range plan for continued education. Ethical and moral chapters and discussions taught me professional nursing standards and how to act in accordance with those.

Course offered great explanation on the importance of collaboration with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team in assisting clients to achieve identified goals.

All together finding out how many options are there available to participate in professional organizations awaken my interest. I could make my contribution to impact the delivery of regional, national, and global health care.



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