

Family: Ecuador

This picture is a personal picture that shows the importance of my family. All my cousins from the oldest to youngest.

I edit this picture in photo shop by making the back round a bit blurry so the picture stands out more and make it a bit more brighter as well

Song: “Keep it together” By: Madonna


Keep it together in the family
They’re a reminder of your history
Brothers and sisters they hold the key
To your heart and your soul
Don’t forget that your family is gold

I hit the big time but I still get the blues
Everyone’s a stranger, city life can get to you
People can be so cold, never want to turn your back
Just givin’ to get something
Always wanting something back
When I get lonely and I need to be
Loved for who I am, not what they want to see
Brothers and sisters, they’ve always been there for me
We have a connection, home is where the heart should be

More lyrics

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