Facebook Mom

blacklayerog_06Hi, my name is Kent Lam.

Like Maria’s mom, my mom was also introduced to Facebook by her friends. I can associate with how she feels with her mom looking through the pictures of me and my friends and asking question on how to do certain things on Facebook.

However, with my mom, she tends to be a curious about the things me and my siblings post. So far only me and my sister are the only one that accepted her as a friend. But for my younger brother, no matter what, he wouldn’t accept her request.

From time to time when I walk past my mom, I notice that she would on Facebook scourging through my sister’s Facebook photos and status. When she sees something that seems unknown to her or something she sees people doing, she would come up to me and ask me why are they doing that or make some comments about it. When that happens, it really discourages me to post up any photos, comments and status.

Guest blog: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/blacklayers/

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