The use of Adobe PhotoShop

Photoshop-LogAdobe Photoshop is an application from Adobe System that is used in the graphic design industry. You can modify your photographs, re-size, make adjustment to color and brightness and much more. There are different version of Photoshop where the latest version that came out is Adobe Photoshop CS6. First time i was using Photoshop was version CS3 which has changed because it added extra features in the editing tools and different enhancement. Photoshop its a great program to edit your pictures and gives you options to how creative you can be with your photos.

Although the price for Adobe Photoshop CS6 is a bit high compared to the other version, its worth having and using it to edit any photos you have. This application is used for  professional photo editing, graphic design, and digital imaging.This program is great because quick in editing photos with no hazel, new enhance tool for imaging size and its now more affordable. Also it has a new new Background Save and Auto-Recovery features will prevent catastrophic data loss and wasted time which could be convenient if there is any problem with the computer that is being used.

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Family: Ecuador

This picture is a personal picture that shows the importance of my family. All my cousins from the oldest to youngest.

I edit this picture in photo shop by making the back round a bit blurry so the picture stands out more and make it a bit more brighter as well

Song: “Keep it together” By: Madonna


Keep it together in the family
They’re a reminder of your history
Brothers and sisters they hold the key
To your heart and your soul
Don’t forget that your family is gold

I hit the big time but I still get the blues
Everyone’s a stranger, city life can get to you
People can be so cold, never want to turn your back
Just givin’ to get something
Always wanting something back
When I get lonely and I need to be
Loved for who I am, not what they want to see
Brothers and sisters, they’ve always been there for me
We have a connection, home is where the heart should be

More lyrics

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Narrative: My Blog


Picture Design by Maria Llanos

My blog is about the combination of Photographs and music. All the pictures are taken in New York City of different location or site seeing, different type of music and having that put together. Each picture will have lyrics of a certain song that explains whats going on in the photograph. Photography became a hobby since i was a child and it all started when i got my own camera. Even though back then it use to actual photographs from film, i use to scan it and edit in “Paint” program because it was the first art program i started to use. Yet it cant be compared to using photo shop but i still enjoyed just adding some decorations, text so it could stand out.

Any where i went, either the park, the city or vacations to Ecuador to see the family, i always made sure i had my camera to take pictures of important moments. Growing up, i still kept photography as my hobby and created collages in my room full of all the photographs i have taken.

I attended Forest Hills High School in Queens and during my senior year i decided to take a graphic design class where it was the first time i used Photoshop. I became fascinated with this program because i did different projects with pictures, some typography and even created my own cereal box. Even though i loved photography and being creative with pictures, i decided to  start a career in Graphic Arts Production in New York City College of Technology. When i printed my projects in High School, it didn’t come out as i expected, I’m guessing because we didn’t have the proper printer so i wanted to learn more about the printing industry and different types of programs that are used for design. Yet photography is still my main interest and always find an inspiration with my music.

There always competition anywhere you go in New York City because it filled of advertising on buses. bus stops, trains. billboard around the city. Time Square is my favorite part of NYC. Its full of lights. excitement, and full of advertising anywhere you go. It adds up to what i enjoy doing and what I’m planning to do for my career.

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New Post

Today I’ve written a guest post on Kent’s Lam Blog named Black Layer Blog. It is about Graphic Design and how he started his career in graphic arts when he first learned about photo shop in high school. In my post, i stated how we have similarities because it was the same way i got interested in graphic arts production when i took a photo shop class during senior year in high school. His blog is about learning to use photo shop and other design programs.

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Facebook Mom

blacklayerog_06Hi, my name is Kent Lam.

Like Maria’s mom, my mom was also introduced to Facebook by her friends. I can associate with how she feels with her mom looking through the pictures of me and my friends and asking question on how to do certain things on Facebook.

However, with my mom, she tends to be a curious about the things me and my siblings post. So far only me and my sister are the only one that accepted her as a friend. But for my younger brother, no matter what, he wouldn’t accept her request.

From time to time when I walk past my mom, I notice that she would on Facebook scourging through my sister’s Facebook photos and status. When she sees something that seems unknown to her or something she sees people doing, she would come up to me and ask me why are they doing that or make some comments about it. When that happens, it really discourages me to post up any photos, comments and status.

Guest blog:

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Randome Pictures Part 3 of 3

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 Central Park: New York

Description: Green grass surrounded by tall tress and tall building right next to the park. Flowers and plants growing from the ground and all the space its needed for everyone in the city to enjoy.

Central Park is right in the middle of Manhattan which is the most popular sight seeing spots in New York City. The park starts from 59th St. up to 110th St. Any one can enjoy a walk in the park, have a picnic with family and friends, as well as enjoy the zoo. In the winter anyone can enjoy ice skating as well as enjoying an amusement park right in the same location. It a place to feel freedom and enjoy our amazing park that represents our city.

Song: “Happy” By: Leona Lewis

So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
‘Cause i’m just trying to be happy, yeah
Just wanna be happy, yeah

Holding on tightly
Just can’t let it go
Just trying to play my role
Slowly disappear, oh
But all these days, they feel like they’re the same
Just different faces, different names
Get me out of here
I can’t stand by your side, oh no
And watch this life pass me by, pass me by

More Lyrics

Inspiration: Leona Lewis

“It’s a contradiction of song because, yes, it’s named ‘Happy’, but the song’s kind of dark, a bit sad, sombre. In my songs, I want people to go on a journey, and [to get to] happiness, you go through a lot of pain and sadness to get there sometimes and that’s what we wanted to convey on the song.”

This song represent this picture in a way on how one interprets the picture. When you see nothing but s blank park full of light and color, you see your self to conquer great achievements and Central Park is a place with so much space that any New Yorker just goes to enjoy a day, to relax and to get ready for the everyday schedule.

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Random Pictures Part 2 of 3


Times Square, NYC

Description: Manhattan, Time Square, New York. Busy night full of lights, tall building, traffic and always loud noise. Posters, advertising on buildings, stores everywhere from clothing stores to museums.

New York City. The Big Apple. The city that never sleeps. Anything is possible in this city. Any dreams could be conquered, opportunities, diversity within the population in this city.  Surrounded by people from all over the world where everyone wants the best and achieve their goals. The city full of lights , tall buildings, over packed streets, busy but always an adventure.

Song: “New York” By: Alicia Keys

One hand in the air for the big city,
Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty
No place in the world that can compare
Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

In New York
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There’s nothing you can’t do
Now you’re in New York
These street will make you feel brand new
Big lights will inspire you
Hear it from New York!

More Lyrics

The song ” New York” couldn’t be more perfect than to describe this Picture of Times Square. The Big Apple is what makes New York special and different than any other replace. Any where you go in New York City, you will find diversity, different culture, different music and styles that everyone is surrounded by. Its a jungle because its always crowded especially with the traffic of buses, cars and even carriages with horses in the middle of the street.  But it shows some inspiration to achieve any dream thats wanted.

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Random Pictures Part 1 of 3


Random Pictures is three different places that i admired most in New York City. Astoria Park which is located in Queens, New York which is a beautiful park that is next to the East River and has a view of Manhattan Borough right across. Also Time Square, “The Big Apple” in the city of Manhattan where its a place full of building, lights, traffic, but most of all adventure. Finally it would be Central Park in Manhattan which is a place that family and friends gather either winter or summer and just have a relaxing time. Each picture also has a part of a song that describes the picture and how i interpreted. Each song has its own meaning and will have its description on how it was composed. Also it will have the the point of view on how the lyrics describes the picture and what it represents.

astoriaparkbridge 1

Astoria Park

Description: Almost sunset, ending of summer. Dark clouds, Triboro Bridge and Manhattan borough across the East River. Buildings lighting up, different hights.

 This photo is taken in Astoria Park located in Queens, New York. This bridge is the Triboro Bridge during the night in the summer that shows a beautiful landscape. Across is Manhattan Borough surrounded by the East River. Its a perfect summer night just to walk around with your best friends, relaxed, eating some icecream and talking about your future.

This picture for me represents freedom and a a journey because you see across of queens the city filled with building and opportunities to a better future. A moment to get your ideas together, a moment to enjoy spending time with your closest friends or a special someone. Each person sees this picture differently or what it means to them.

Song: “Sky Scraper” By: Demi Lovato


You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I’m made of glass
Like I’m made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper!
Like a skyscraper!

Go run, run, run
I’m gonna stay right here
Watch you disappear, yeah
Go run, run, run
Yeah it’s a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here

Inspiration: stated by Kerli Koiv (writer)

“The world was in ruins and in the middle of all the collapsed buildings was one skyscraper still standing tall. It was slightly raining and the first rays of sun were starting to shine through thick clouds of smoke. I was actually feeling amazing when I wrote it. It came from a really empowered place.”

The song  “Sky Scraper” describes the picture because of all the tall buildings that is seen across the bridge. In this picture, it states how there is an opportunity for a better future but yet it it gets tough through out the journey. It depends if either you will let people or any situation bring you down or keep on going. The tall buildings represents the journey and tough times the city will bring you but also what is expected and what will be the out come.

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My Mother is On Facebook


What’s the worst thing that can happen to someone is having your mother on Facebook and having her check all your pictures.  Before she even had a Facebook page, she would always question me why was I always on or what was so interesting about it. Further more, the only reason I have a Facebook page is to keep in touch with my old friends from elementary and high school. Also my whole family lives in Ecuador so I like to see all their photos they upload, which is the easiest way to say in touch.

One day she decided to create one which I think it became a disaster but also very entertaining because she literally became obsessed with it. She stared posting pictures of the city when she was walking to work, sharing photos and statuses and basically checking what everyone was up to (mostly me).  Now days she more aware of what my family is doing before I am and she has more friends now which she chats with all the time.

I guess she realized why its entertaining that now she doesn’t bother me at all unless to upload something. It took me a while to accept her as a friend because we live together so why so why do I need to have her on face book.

Either way I ended up accepting her request but we still have our privacy. Its funny when your own mother is on facebook.

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Mission Statement

cropped-music-design.jpgThe Name of my blog is Photography and Music. As a graphic designer, I really enjoyed editing photos using Photoshop and also illustrator for any extra creativity to be added to my pictures. The reason for this blog is basically just having different photographs of different places and different occasions. It will include lyrics’ of songs that will describe the picture and all the diversity that happens in New York.

This blog can be for bloggers or designers that enjoy photography as well as music that will understand the theme. The audience would be for anyone that enjoys photography and also have interest in different type of music. Any one can enjoy this blog and feel inspired to start one.

An image on my blog will be of a person taking a picture of a certain landscape and having their headphones are which represent my theme that is Photography and Music. I want my bloggers to understand what is my passion and interest in Graphic Design industry. I will show all the diversity that there is the city of New York and understand all the differences that happen. It’s a blog that everyone can enjoy it. I will take different photo graphs and edit them in Photoshop to make sure they pop out and just be creative.

The blog that gave me an inspiration to pic my topic was from David Airey Blog because it was basically in Graphic Design and had different topics that caught my interest. It had a section with pictures that showed of an interesting house and took pictures of different angles of this modern house that was uncommon.

I will take pictures of different places in the city as well as any important sculptures, touristic places, people and objects that represent diversity, different and also that represents me. Music lyrics’ will be added to each photograph that basically describes it of different type of genre. I hope everyone enjoys it.

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