The first time I heard about Amachi program at school I was moved by the magnitude of its objectives and the passion of professor Falk during her presentation. I immediately knew that I wanted to be part of Amachi.
Amachi People of Faith Mentoring Children of Promise is a program that provides adult mentors for children of incarcerated parents that are especially at high risk problem behaviors, poor performance at school, and mostly would end up in prison themselves. The program is dually funded by governmental and private sectors. There is an average of 250 MCP (Mentor Children Program) nationwide; more than 100,000 of children with one or both parents incarcerated has been served by this program.
My clinical setting is at PS 184, a middle school, at Brownsville, Brooklyn a neighborhood of people living with income below poverty, limited education, and high rate of crimes, incarceration, and teenage pregnancy. Lead by professors Folk and Scott we are mentoring children from 4th to 8th grade to help them modify behavioral problems, acknowledge their strengths, promote education and health practices. Consequently, prevent legal issues in their lives; break the circle of poverty and incarceration.
The mentor program at PS 184 gives me the opportunity to get in touch with a class of people that are marginalized in our society. As a nurse I become more sensitive to people who do not have the same privileges as the majority. I get a broader view of our society consequently I will provide a non-discriminating care to everyone. I learn to appreciate the blessings in my life and put myself available to help the one in needs.
My family is become bigger. It included everyone in my community that I serve.
In order to accomplish these goals there were nine objectives that I had met.
Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.
To demonstrate individual professionalism I always get there on time. I dressed appropriately in professional casual, clean and neat, no extravaganza of jewelry and makeup. I follow instructions. I listen to others when talking and I wait for my turn to talk. I learn from peers and professors experiences. I take criticism positively.
Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.
Because I am dealing with children from disruptive arrangement that are emotionally damaged with a mix feeling of guilt and loss I need to be careful with the choice of my words. I always remember that I am not a parent neither a police pointing fingers at their wrongs doing. I am a mentor, a friend, a role model figure that needs to listen and be positive.
Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.
I do not only communicate verbally but with my body. I make sure my body language does not sending a different message than I am trying to protrude. I use common words that my mentee can understand and relate to me easily. I listen. I acknowledge. I rephrase.
Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.
I allow my mentee to do his work independently. If my mentee needs some assistance while doing the work I always glad to answer questions. When the work is completed we go over it together. Studies showed that students who produce their own work are more likely to remember the material and learn from their mistake.
Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.
Unfortunately my clinical setting does not offer the use of technology. There is no computer available in the classroom. I, however; talk to him about the use of internet to do homework.
Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development
I am definitely committed to nursing. I came from be a Nursing Assistant to a Licensed Practical Nurse, to a Register Nurse with an associate degree and I am currently involved in a Baccalaureate program. I plan to do a master in management. I hope I could get into a Med-Surge setting to accumulate experiences. Become an acute care nurse and eventually an Anesthetist Nurse.
I am also a member of American Nurse Association, New York State Nurse Association. I attend to meetings and rallies.
Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice
I always strive to do what a nurse should do under circumstances that I am dealing with. I am responsible. And I always update myself by learning new evidence based practice to promote nursing.
Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team
The mentee’s teacher in this case is my immediate collaborator. I hope that during our next meeting we could work together for the benefit of the kid. I also believe that the mentee’s parents should be my immediate collaborator. Yet, the program has not come to that point of a full involvement of parents.
Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services
Even though Amachi program is sponsored by federal and local state there is still a huge need for more funds. There is no shower room, Laundromat, and personal available for these kids when they come to school dishevel and neglected. There is no pediatric care in the proximity.