
Architecture and Design NYC is a community resource library featuring the texture and design of Hell’s Kitchen.  With new high-rises and big business taking over communities, most of New York’s history is diminishing.  Our mission is to pump back the fabric of Hell’s Kitchen, a neighborhood once home to its rich history.  Now known as a high end shopping destination, it used to be home to African American workers completing the Croton Aqueduct in the 1840s then Irish and German immigrants.  Some of which worked in the lumber yards, factories, slaughterhouses, and even worked as West Side Cowboys.  Riding horses ahead of trains, waving red flags and lanterns to remove pedestrians.  The accident levels increased drastically on 11th Avenue to where the tracks were removed in the 1930s. With many stories like this almost forgotten or unknown we plan to reintroduce Hell’s Kitchen’s vibrant history.