
Library Litmus


      Our project and its goals are to create a research based board game where the players can learn how to determine what type of sources to look for when writing a research paper in a fun and competitive game. The game will have multiple types of subjects within it ranging from science to history. the game will be based on the basic design of monopoly this was our sole inspiration for the game board and how it will work.

       This will be a Point based game based on monopoly but instead of getting the most money and board places to win you have to gain the most points by getting sources. The reason we decided on monopoly as a board game platform is to give players familiarity with the board as well as the rules are very similar but with a few tweaks to give it individuality when compared to other board games. we have also taken the idea of timing each session like they do in pictionary when limiting how long you have to guess and draw  your picture. I liked the aspect of timing this because it creates pressure between the players. Another big change from the classic feel of monopoly is the fact that there is no GO space instead you have the bases from 1 to 3 just like with the GO space it does give you some sort of reward but not for passing it you have to land on it. we thought of this because it seemed too easy in monopoly to gain a reward though simply passing a space so to make it fair we made 3 spaces but you need to land on it.


       Our game incorporates research with time, which is the challenge. In real life, deadlines are made to be met just like in this game. also there is no room for procrastination either. It is very rare to go to a library on a day where it is not considered to be “crowded”. Only four players can play Library Litmus at a time. Everyone at the library competes for the space to seek research for what topic they posses. The only difference between the game and reality is that the sources in the game are worth points depending on the type of source Periodical or scholarly. The game “Library Litmus” is set on a board similar to monopoly. on 3 corners There is a base. between bases there are either scholarly sources or periodical sources.

         The dice will determine how many spaces you move per turn and the time will be kept using a hourglass with sand in it. If a player lands on a source that is not relevant to their source they must return to a base on one of the corners of the board. Each base contains a librarian.    base 1 has the librarian of scholarly sources base 2 has the librarian of periodical sources base 3 has a librarian of no source. if you land on a base you receive points depending on what base you land on. base 1 gives you 5 points base 2 gives you 3 points but base 3 gives you no points. The winner will be decided at the end of the 15 minute time limit depending on what player has the most points.

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