1 thought on “

  1. Christopher Swift

    Hello CO2 group. This report is a good first step, but you need to think much more carefully about the design of the park and how your performance can best take advantage of the structures. Talk about the green spaces and paths in more detail — do the paths make a pattern of some kind? Would your performance be to the side or in the middle of the paths? Who is on the paths (if children are on the field) and is the audience you want to target? What about the size of the space (very large, wide open)? How will this influence your performance choices? Finally, I do not see the connection between the War Memorial and CO2. If you use the memorial as a backdrop, I’m afraid the semiotics (message) of that monument will overwhelm the message of your performance. Are you sure this is the best spot? What object(s) in the park are related to your theme? Can you identify something related to carbon dioxide or air quality or global warming? Revise your site report and resubmit. Perhaps those members that contributed less to this first draft can work on the second.


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