Community Service

Dental Hygiene school taught us the importance of giving back to our communities as health professionals. Here are some pictures from a few on the many times we provided care to children who were less advantaged.

Because everyone deserves a bright smile 😀


Candid photo of me at the brush station during the Colgate truck event at The Greater New York Dental Meeting
Volunteering for the Colgate truck at the 2013 Greater New York Dental Meeting
Volunteering for the Colgate truck at the 2013 Greater New York Dental Meeting where we taught the children who participated Fones brushing technique, flossing, tongue brushing and proper nutrition.
With my colleagues at the brushing station where we teach children Fones brushing technique
With my colleagues at the brushing station where we taught the children Fones brushing technique
Examining a child's mouth for early childhood caries at the fluoride varnish program lead by Prof. Lam
Examining this pedo patient intraorally for  signs of  early childhood caries at the fluoride varnish program lead by Prof. Lam
Applying fluoride varnish on a child
Applying fluoride varnish on a pedo patient who happily accepted the treatment
Accommodating a pedo patient who refuses to pick his chin up for me to do an intraoral exam. His body language tells me that he is not totally comfortable with me.
Accommodating a pedo patient who refuses to pick his chin up for me to do an intraoral exam. His body language tells me that he is not totally comfortable with me but I worked with what I got.



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