
Here are the bits and pieces of memories from dental hygiene school. Enjoy 😀


One of my patients from third semester. He snuck a selfie while I was all geared up
One of my patients from third semester. He snuck a selfie while I was all geared up in PPE a.k.a. personal protective equipment.


A cupcake that my dental anxious patient gave  me for taking great care of her and her mother.
A “Princess” cupcake from CRUMBS BAKE SHOP that my dental anxious patient gave me for taking great care of her and her mother. 


A patient from fourth semester who snuck a selfie while I was exploring for subgingival calculus with the 11/12 explorer
A patient from fourth semester who snuck a selfie while I was exploring for subgingival calculus with the 11/12 explorer. YOU SNEAKY!


My cubicle for the last semester of dental hygiene school
My cubicle for the last semester of dental hygiene school. It was a bittersweet moment :’)


The brand new units that we were so lucky to have for senior year
The brand new units that we were so lucky to have for senior year! AWESOME! Such a calming blue color 🙂


My very first successful pit and fissure sealant done on a transparent acrylic tooth
My very first successful pit and fissure sealant done on an acrylic molar
The two best brushes on the market given to us for free. So honored!
The two best brushes on the market given to us for free. So honored! TEAM SONICARE ALL THE WAY!!!


Handscalers that were brand new at the time this picture was taken. We've added a couple more instruments since then such as the Nevi , one of my favorites now.
SUPER SHARP Handscalers that were brand new at the time this picture was taken. We’ve added a couple of more instruments since then, such as the Nevi and SN135 , two of my absolute favorites now.


This is the brand new typodont that we worked on before we practiced on our colleagues
This is the brand new typodont (with calculus) that we worked on before we practiced on our colleagues. We’ve come a LONGGGGG way.







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