1st Draft of Personal Narrative Essay

Luis Hoyos


ENG 1121-D465

Personal narrative essay



“There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don’t know how,” this is a quote by Oasis that describes my struggle of being shy. Being shy is not something new. I have had to deal with it my whole life, and it has always been a struggle for me. Due to my shyness I have struggled through many awkward moments in my life that would have been different if I was not as socially awkward. Being shy still continues to affect me today even though it is on a much smaller scale than it used to be. When I was forced to face my shyness, I slowly started to get rid of my crutch. Throughout my life shyness has not solely affect me but it has also affected my class mates and school work, social life and my family.

Even though my personal challenge may not directly impact my classmates, it indirectly impacted them through my schoolwork. One way this happened was during my senior year of high school group work was mandatory in almost all of my classes, and because of this I was forced to face my fear. Because I did not want to face my fear so for that reason I would be reluctant to do my group work which would result in a lower group grade. My shyness did not only affect my group grades but my grades in general. Due to not liking socializing, I found myself playing videogames which impacted my schoolwork for the worse. I was so engulfed in video games that I tended to procrastinate on my schoolwork, even the important projects that require a lot of time. I would stay up all night because of my procrastination and my school work would turn out terrible. My challenge did not only stay inside of school, it extended into all of my life including my social life

My social life suffered because I was very timid. I did not like going outside of my house when it wasn’t for school or with my family. Once again I dove into video games. The reasons I like videogames is because they are a way to distract from my life struggles. The result of me playing video games frequently, was me inadvertently isolating myself as much as possible. Isolation led to a lack in friends. I was fine with because I used video games once again to close the gap. The lack of friends meant that I had no real reason to go out of my house and socialize, this led to a circle of playing video games and staying inside. I would only go out with my family. Luckily my family is very active and I got out very often. I was and still am not very good at awkward social situations myself.

Speaking of my family they are one of the main reason that I broke out of my shell. My shyness showed itself the least while I am with my family because I am the most comfortable with them my family. They helped me fight my biggest challenge that I have faced because when I am with them I can open up much easier than if I am by myself. Seeing as I only went out with them we would often be invited to parties which I did not really enjoy going to but I went because I would find it more enjoyable when I am with my family. This is how they have helped me overcome a major part of my challenge

My challenge through my whole life was facing my shyness, and it affected me and the people who are closest to me. I still am very quiet but I am not as shy as I once was. I still enjoy being left by myself and the quiet of my house. I also still enjoy playing video games but I do not use it as a replacement for friends. My school work has also improved as I have improved my group work skills. Now I am able to express myself without being self-conscious. If I had my perfect world it would be peaceful, quiet and everyone would be able to enjoy themselves any way they wanted.