
Spatial Interventions @ Domino Park,Β Brooklyn

We decided to conduct a spatial intervention to face the wealthy

in order to raise awareness about “gentrification”!


Why Domino park?

That is the location where “gentrification” has been taking place.

The park is also surrounded by luxurious buildings,

making it the ideal place to confront the rich.



And here’s what we did.

Our intervention: silent choreographed movement

We wore our t-shirts and carried boxes with eviction notices,

acting as though we were being evicted

because we couldn’t afford the rent any longer.

We went around our space,

carrying boxes throughout the park,

hoping to catch the attention of the locals.



We intended to pass right through the spaces where people were laying down

since our intervention was silent.

This did not immediately disturb individuals,

but rather increased their awareness.

Bryan Β also attempted to make some conversation with locals.




People we ended up interacting with were private park security.

They received a call from someone claiming that some fellas were doing something weird.

And it was us!

In which we can say we succeeded in disturbing our chosen space!