Our both locations combined 10 people filled out the surveys and 24 people interacted with Mood Board. There was not a huge difference between the survey responses, but the notes on the mood board show the clear difference between calm and quiet versus the crowded and loud places.
The followings are the responses and their differences.
Neighborhood: 8 different neighborhoods
Quiet or Loud: 9 out of 10 like quiet
Favorite places: 6 people said different parks, 3 said Time square, and 1 person said Home
What brings you here :
- At the first location, 2 for a walk and 1 for work
- At the second location, 3 people – class, 2 people – work, 1 person – Trees, and 1 person – Citibike
Area in words :
- Outside – Beautiful Sun, sunny, hot, busy
- Inside – Hot, Clean, Beautiful, Active, fun, Green, Vibrant
Mood :
- Outside – Relaxed, Anxious, Active
- Inside – Calm, Joy – Sad, Peaceful, Relaxing, Good
- Outside: 4
- Inside: 3
- Outside: 2
- Inside: 2
Air Quality:
- Outside: 3
- Inside: 4
- Outside: 2
- Inside: 4
- Outside: 4
- Inside: 3
Mood Board
Loud Place:
- Tired
- Traffic
- Crowded
- Watched
- Loud
- Peaceful
- Awkward
Quiet Place:
- Hot & Happy
- Sweaty
- 5 + Happy
- Calm & Relax
- Grass & Trees
- Peace
- Feel Joyful but also “sad because I wish more communities had a space like this to enjoy”
- Sunlight makes me happy 🙂
- Makes me feel like walking in the park with my pregnant wife, so she can give Labor
- Portal of DIVINE LOVE
- Flip Flops