
The goal of our intervention was to bring attention to gentrification in Williamsburg, though we didn’t gain the attention we intended to receive. When we arrived, we set up our boxes and posted our signs, and were immediately greeted with the private security team. As we continued to intervene, people only stared, not in curiosity, but rather annoyance. They showed close to no interest in hearing our point of views or topics. One specific gentlemen we forcefully interviewed even rolled his eyes at the sound of the word “Gentrification”.

It was clear that it wasn’t the first time the new residents of Williamsburg heard the term gentrification, and were not interested in hearing about it anymore. The lack of attention we had made us rethink our approach and how we can better express our topic.

Gentrification is a topic that seems to only be important to people directly affected by it, and that’s one of the things we forgot to take into consideration. Next to Domino Park and all its skyscrapers is a more subtle neighborhood with brown stones and max 4 story apartments. This area has a generally lower wage compared to the waterfront next store, which means it could’ve been a better place to intervene into. People there would’ve most likely showed a bit more interest in our act due to the fact that they were most likely the next victims to the gentrification of Williamsburg.