Author Archives: laniczerwinski

LCzerwinski – Emblem Health

  3. Healthcare Jobs –‎


Not a credible resource


  • Systems that I used in previous job or The systems that I am familiar with.  Prepare a list of the computer programs that I used before.
  • Why do I want to change my job – do not mention bad experiences
  • Where do I see myself in few years from now
  • never mention salary at the beginning of the interview
  • Learn how to remain calm and think before talking
  • Weaknesses:  always wants to take responsibilities upon myself, I do not like to rely on anyone else, perfectionist
  • Do not cross hands while talking to the interviewer
  • Do not forget to bring extra resume in case they ask for it
  • Do not chew gum during the interview
  • The skills I can offer that no one cant:  Years of experience in the field, Networking with hospitals, Nursing homes, Home care agencies, Durable medical vendors and other health care providers.

Finding about Emblem Health

  •  not-for-profit company
  • CEO Karen Ignagni since 2015
  • Excellent Health Insurance Plan…. Low Co-pays, no Deductibles
  • Tuition Assistance
  • The company offers 401k for employees
  • Maternity & Paternity Leave
  • Pension and Retirement plan
  • Discounts benefits
  • Gym Membership
  • Family Leave
  • Vacation and Sick day pay
  • Bereavement 5days pay


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