
I will list a few of my courses that I did in the current program that I enrolled in , which again is Technical Teaching Initial certificate.

In Electronics System class I learned  about circuits and how to program microcontroller. In manufacturing I learned about production, material, sketches, advertising and marketing.  Design and Drafting was enjoyable, however challenging especially isometric. I can know draw the six views of an object, multi views and Assembly. Both Mainstreaming in career and technology Education and Method of Literacy instruction in teacher education I learned about diversity , differentiation, culture, learning style and high and low achiever students. In computer education course I know my teaching philosophy. how to choose media for learning, about social media in schools, choosing software and various learning resources  and to do an eportfolio .

  • EDU 3420 Electronics System
  • EDU 2440 -Manufacturing System
  • EDU 1400 Design and Drafting
  • EDU 3670 Method of Literacy Instruction in Teacher Education
  • EDU 3650 Mainstreaming in Career and Technology Education
  • EDU 3640 Computer in Education