My personal philosophy.

To be insightful is my goal. Therefore, this page allow you to enter into my world.

Always striving for professional excellence my nursing goal has been to leave everyone that I serve saying “there goes a nurse”. Therefore, learning and enhancing my skill set is one of my priority.

Though nursing is not my first career Service has been my life calling. In the classroom, teaching for fifteen years has taught me that people respect anyone who genuinely care for their well being. The same goes for nursing, the client see your heart and can sense who is a nurse and who is a mere professional.

To me being a nurse is more than a profession. It involves a heart of love and giving. Nurses in giving must poor themselves into the clients in order for healing to take place. Consequentially, a sense of pride and joy is placed into cleaning and dressing a pungent purulent ulcer. This does not mean the nurse is not repelled by the scent but that pride is placed in wrapping the wound and giving solace to the wounded. This feeling you cannot glean from this portfolio.