Final Draft Dropboxes

Please note the following guidelines before submitting your essay.

-These drop boxes are for final drafts only.  DO NOT submit rough drafts here.

-Make sure your essay adheres to formatting guidelines (see Standard Essay Format pdf under Handouts).

-Make sure you submit to the correct Dropbox, or I won’t see it.

-All submissions must be in Word .doc form, or you will receive point deductions and I may not read it.

-Make sure you print out a hard copy of your essays and bring them to class.


Essay #1 Dropbox: Submit here by 11 am on Wednesday, February 15.

Essay #2 Dropbox: Submit here by 11 am on Wednesday, March 15.

Essay #3 Dropbox: Submit here by 11 am on Thursday, April 20.

Essay #4 Dropbox: Submit here by 3 pm on Friday, May 19.