Author Archives: tianam

Tiana Minns revision process

After looking at the revision made on my work I realized my strong and weak point when it comes to writing. I notice that I need to stay focus on a main topic and build on it. I tend to be all over the place in my writing and I need to be more chronological instead of bring information from all over the text. When I give too much information at once it causes the reader to be confused and possibly not understand the rest of my essay. I also, need a better understanding of rhetorical analysis. My interpretation of it was that I am to help the reader understand what Dr. King is trying to say indirectly. I was confused with this because I didnā€™t understand the references Dr. King was trying to make. It reflected in my writing but I did seem to done a good job explaining the overall points Dr. King was trying to make. I faulted when failed to explain the rhetorical choices he used. Without the revision I wouldnā€™t have noticed that I have a tendency to join complete sentence, confuse the reader and make careless grammar mistakes. The revision helped me realize that Iā€™m good at collecting important information I just need to work on applying the right way and play close attention to my grammar. To overcome this obstacle Iā€™m going to make a checklist that I can use to review my work and continuously reread my writing.

Sherman Alex and Terry McMillan essay


Sherman Alexie is a Native American author who learned how to knock down the obstacles of poverty and racism through a Superman comic book.Ā  In the story ā€œsuperman and meā€, you see that Alexie embraces the fact that heā€™s different and is destined to be more than just another poor Indian living on a reservation. The comic taught him to not lose hope, believe in his strength and uses his wisdom to open doors for himself and also pave the way for others Indians who go through similar struggles.

In the story ā€œthe movie that changed my lifeā€, you learn how watching the Wizard of Oz helped Terry McMillan get through adversities and teaches her valuable life lessons. Just like Dorothy, terry searched for a way to escape the harsh realities of the way they lived. At the end of the movie they both found that having faith, hope, courage, wisdom and friendship could get them through anything.

The similarities between Sherman Alexie and Terry McMillan both grew up in poor homes and both found wisdom, understanding and inspiration in fictional stories. The difference between the two authors is that they used what they learned from these fictional stories in different ways.