Author Archives: Roman

roman sary blog Carr

In the article “Is google making us stupid?” Nicholas Carr asserts that cyberspace is a key to all answers. Carr explains that people rely on internet way too much. People will use the internet more than their own intelligent to do research papers and projects. Carr also shows that the use of internet has made it a struggle to read for him. Carr uses studies to show that technology is bad for people and that it won’t help in the long run. What stood out was how “intellectual technologies” is being used as a casual routine. We become more and more loss with our intelligent that our technology controls our mindset. Google in a way is cutting out our natural intelligent and that we rely on it more frequently. As Carr said “I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text” showing that he is stuck on the internet. The more we are stuck to the internet our brains won’t obtain information long enough to remember, and we will create an easy way find the answers to problems but not the meaning. To others the internet may make us smarter, but the more use of the internet we won’t be able to remember important details and have to rely on the internet for everything. The internet is universal over a billion people use it but those billions of mines are becoming lazy and way of obtaining information the natural learning way will be through technology.

roman sary re-vision process

What I got from my peer revision from my partner was mistakes I wouldn’t see in my perspective. My partner showed me my writing could explain more. One positive thing my partner said about my writing was that it is well constructed and written with details. When she made the assumption that my work was good because of my writing and how much details was put into it. I felt my writing was getting better, but I can improve it. She also added that my choice of metaphor explain the powerful quote of MLK. There were many things negative my partner said to me. Negative things my partner said my writing was that I need to improve on explaining my topic more. My metaphors wasn’t specific and really related to the topic. My partner said that my rhetorical feature wasn’t explained how it was interesting. She kept saying I should improve on explanation and using the metaphors in a certain way. My writing to her was good because of my information. The negativity of my writing is explaining my rhetorical choice in a way my readers can understand, and my partner said that I need to improve on that mostly. She kept it specific and made me understand what was wrong with my writing and that my information should be an explanation of the quote of MLK. My weakness overall is explanation and re-reading because my partner clearly said I need to work on it to get my writing to be better.

Roman’s R.A essay draft

In “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King Jr he speaks out on how he believes his people are not treated with equal rights and he explains how his people go through struggles. One rhetorical feature that interest me the most is the use of a metaphor in a quote “This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism”. He asserts that we shouldn’t take what they call a fair trade because it isn’t equal to his people. The white people want to benefit themselves more than African Americans. This quote explained the meaning of racial justice because it happens in modern times when other cultures will give an unequal choice to others.

roman sary letter to king

Dear Dr.King
One powerful aspect I found in the speech was the use of repetition throughout. One use of a metaphor “One hundred years later” in response there was little to no change “(404) one hundred years later, the life of a Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.” This quote tells about believing in change but there was a change and it wasn’t really applied to all. This is a powerful aspect because throughout history even with slavery law banned African Americans still are held down of their rights. That repetition was repeated numerous times because it was a way to tell that we had something but never put to its potential. The quote explains “I have a dream” because Africans were broken of their rights and that in Dr. king speech he has a dream that African Americans are to be equal with all races.
Relating to the letter you wrote in Birmingham jail is quite different because the explanation of the black man and how it is dangerous. The repetition is similar to the letter in my perspective because as you were writing this letter you are imprison which shows the racism and showing of non-change. Trying to fight for change is a step but as quoted “one hundred years later” there isn’t no change for African Americans. The language in the letter is similar because both give aspects of what is wrong and how there can maybe be a change.