Author Archives: Maverick

Maverick’s Essay Revision

The essay that I would like to revise is my Lens essay because, I would like to incorporate and add information or revise the information already provided. I would also like to write/make a stronger claim as in why or how the internet makes us lazier and less effective in education. In other words, I would like to be more specific and make each paragraph lengthier and stronger. I also needed more time to organize my thoughts to write a well developed essay where I can express my full well organized thoughts and incorporate my ideas and stick to ONE claim. Furthermore, after this revision my paper should be much stronger and more realistic within the topic of its own.

Maverick’s Lens-Exhibit

In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, provides a different point of view about the internet that we would not otherwise notice. Carr used a specific lens that stood out to me a little more than the others. Nicholas Carr asserts “We risk turning into ‘ pancake people’—spread wide and thin as we connect with that vast network of information accessed by the mere touch of a button” (14). He refers to people as “pancake people,” widely spreading thin around everything, not having much of a deep meaning in life. Therefore, since everything is now in the network people are turning into a lazy useless phenomenon because as he mentions “the mere touch of a button” can do everything for us. An exhibit that supports Carr’s point is located on the Huffing-ton Post called “How Google Is Changing the Way We Think.” Author Alexis Fitts mentioned, ” Studies have found that people with access to search engines overestimate their intelligence, and that people who read online are more likely to skim.” This supports Carr’s point of view because this action causes humans to not fully understand and analyze the content being read. The issue with the internet is that it causes humans to use their brains less than if they were required to actually look for articles and/or books and read the information to then apply prior knowledge and information to further discuss the topic. I believe that Today, the internet serves as a huge distraction to the world and it has caused many social problems causing people to drift away from others. Therefore, it is agreeable since Carr has proved that google is really making us stupid.

What I can now see from “Does the Internet make you smarter?”

In the article “Does the Internet Make you Smarter?,” author Clay Shirkey provides us with a different point of view about modern day internet use. According to Shirkey, there are “1.8 Billion current internet users”, however is it almost impossible to make nearly 1.8 billion people stupid. As of 2016, there are 7.5 billion people on Earth, therefore  making 1.8 billion people “stupid” is a tremendous number and out of the ordinary. Shirkey asserts, “We are no more evolved to read books than we are to use computers.” This quote makes you realize that the past is the past. There is no going back from computers and internet to books.

Maverick’s Re-Vision Process

The re-vision process is showing me, one positive and one negative feature of my writing that I wouldn’t otherwise notice. One positive outcome of this is re-reading my own writing brings out certain missing or unnoticed details. Another possible feature is that when we do peer reviews another person’s point of view might pick up something that I missed. Therefore, I can apply those ideas to my own writing and make my writing more understandable. One negative feature might be that my peer and I might not be on the same page as the mistake them or I made.  This can make or break my paper because many people see different mistakes differently, causing the writer to be stuck on ideas and thoughts.

Maverick’s R.A 1st paragraph.

Maverick Guillermo

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, opens his “I Have a Dream” speech with a symbolic quote as follows, “Five score years ago, a great American in whose symbolic shadow we stand, signed the Emancipation Proclamation” (403). He opens his speech by preaching President Abraham Lincoln while delivering the speech in front of Lincoln memorial. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862 and signed on January 1st, 1863 releasing all slaves free from the states. In the speech, Martin Luther King Jr used a very strong language and attitude towards the people. I also noticed that in the following quote “Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums” (406), he used a bit of parallelism while delivering the speech. Also in the speech, he said a very powerful quote and it goes “There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights” (404), this quote I’m sure impacted many fellow Americans because nothing will be the same until Negroes got the equality that was granted.