Author Archives: David Vivas

Blog post #5 “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”

After reading Nicholas Carr’s article about the internet,it made me have a different view of the problems it causes not only to us physically but mentally as well.  I thought before that the internet was a useful tool that helped us look up information or anything of our choosing, I believed that it will lead to greater things.  Back in the days when the internet was made, it was saw to be a great thing at first but while the internet progresses so does an individual.  Nicholas Carr made me see that the internet can have its negative affects, negative affects being that people change the way they read, think & the way they even use the internet to their own benefit.  The way people read nowadays has become a struggle, “I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.”(Pg.5), it’s become a struggle to them because they have a relied so much on the internet that all they do is skim through every reading that is handed to them . They skim through readings because they know the internet will provide them with a summary or the answer they are looking for from that reading. In addition to the internet affecting our minds, it affects us but it benefits others.  It benefits others because sometimes they would use to the internet for cyber bullying because it’s makes them feel better and they can also use the internet to rob peoples money.  The internet is a really useful tool however it depends on who uses it & how they use it.

David Vivas R.A draft

In Dr.kings famous “I have a dream” speech he basically talks about how he looks forward to the future where he believes that everyone will be able to be treated equally, he looks forward to a future where racism will not exist.  A rhetorical analysis in which he uses in his speech is religious allusion, Dr.king uses religion in order to make white folks understand that god had made them equal. He would refer to religion being important towards the end of segregation, as he says “with this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of Gods children will be able to sing with new meaning” (pg.407),because the day when everyone will come together and stand against racism then that will be the day that they will truly understand what it means to be free & what it means to be equal.  Religious allusion played a big role to his speech because Christians where normally white folks and the Bible was a main role in they’re life, so dr.king believed that if he showed them that in the Bible it says that all men are treated equal then he would have a chance to convince others that racism shouldn’t be a problem.

David Vivas “letter to Dr. King”

Dear Dr.King,

Your famous “I have a dream speech” has inspired others throughout history to stand up against what they believe is wrong and in that case that would be racism.  Racism throughout history has affected many lives of the black community because either they would be treated unfairly or they would have been killed.  I believe that your use of repetition of “let freedom ring”, (pg. 408) has an affect on not only the black community but every who supported them throughout the way they where mistreated because you believed that if in the future you can spread freedom to one place to another then everyone will understand what it means to be free.  You also use a metaphor of saying “I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain…” (pg. 407), and this metaphor symbolizes that you don’t give on the dream because you believe in the future that black folks would be able to work just as fairly as everyone else would.

In “letter from Birmingham Jail” instead having the dream that you believed would happen in the future, you live the nightmare of what is to possibly be of the future.  In Birmingham you experience what its like to live completely in a segregated life.  you once said in order to be treated fairly, you must not fight with violence but after being in Birmingham, you then realize that violence would be the only way to send a strong message.