Annotation Dropboxes

Post your scanned annotated readings here.  The point of these exercises is to practice taking careful and consistent notes – scanned pages with no notes will receive no points.

Refer to your notes from class about how to take good, thoughtful notes.

2/1 Alexie annotated page: Scan or take a picture of the second page of “Superman and Me,” with your annotations in the margins.  Submit here by 11 am on Wednesday, February 1.

2/6 MacMillan annotated pages: Scan or take a picture of two pages from “The Movie That Changed My Life,” with comments in the margins.  Submit here by 10 am on Monday, February 6.

2/15 “I Have A Dream” annotated page: Scan or take a picture of any two pages of your copy of “I Have A Dream,” with your annotations in the margins.  Submit here by 10 am on  Wednesday, February 15.

2/27 “Birmingham Jail” annotated pages: Scan or take a picture of any two pages from King’s “Letter to Birmingham Jail,” with your annotations in the margins.  One page must be from pages 4-6.  Submit here by 10 am on Monday, February 27.

3/13: Sample R.A. Essay (“The Necessity of Sorrow”) annotated pages.  Scan or take a picture of pages 4-5 of David X’s essay.  Include in the margins notes on the big idea of each paragraph.  Submit here by 10 am on Monday, March 13.

3/22 “Is Google Making Us Stupid” annotated page: Scan or take a picture of any two pages from Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” with your annotations in the margins.  Include the page where you think Carr states his thesis.  Submit here by 10 am on Wednesday, March 22.

3/27 Shirky annotated pages: Scan or take a picture of any two pages from Shirky’s “Is The Internet Making Us Smarter?”, with your annotations in the margins.  Include the page where you think Shirky states his thesis.  Submit here by 10 am on Monday, March 27.

4/24 Research Revision annotated pages: Scan or take a picture of any two pages from your chosen suggested reading for the Research Revision unit, with your annotations in the margins. Submit here by 10 am on Monday, April 24.