JINYONG letter to King

Dear king,

I found out one of your powerful language used in “I Have A Dreamā€œ was the used of metaphors. The metaphor about cashing a check that really impress me. The quote states “…America has given the Negro people a bad check; a check which has come back marked “insufficient fund” “. It can give the reader a good image about the different treatment between theĀ white and the black Americans. In the constitution and Declaration of Independence, all men equal. King, you referred it as a check, and it was a bad check to Negro. Why? because they never got their equal right;Ā American never kept theĀ promise of all men equal. It Ā seems like a check that can’t be cash. It is a interesting metaphor that can let the readers to create a strong and clear images.

In your letter from “Birmingham Jail”, I think the language you used was very different from the speech. Instead of using the same aspects, you mainly talked direct to the racism problem to several specific members. In both works, it show the same message about freedom will never given by the oppress, we have to fight for it. Also, it is time for us(black America ) to stood for any injustice.Ā It is important for the reader to understand the different and similarity because they can have a better understand of two works.

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