
Kwame chad latiff

Sherman Alexie shows his readers of how stereotypes greatly affect his people. How one man(superman) a huge role model changed his life and gave him the motivation to become a person who wonā€™t let his people stereotype affect him from being great and helping others. Alexie superman comic was his first step into the world of literature or knowledge. It gave him the courage he needed to step away from his people stereotype to be failures, to become something amazing. Ā From the time, he picked his first reading material which was the superman comic he has learned so much and from there he kept on reading. Reading from mail letters to cereal boxes to chapter books, not only give him courage to help himself but to help his people. Terry M c Millan wanted her readers to understand how life is hard and there would be challenges in life or how she puts it there are ā€œknotsā€. But these are things you need to triumph over or it would eat you up and make you miserable. The wizard of oz for Terry made her understand that itā€™s okay to be an idealist, ā€œthat you have to imagine something better and go for it. That you must believe in something, and its best to start with yourself and take it from thereā€.

For both author to get where they are now they both had to go through hardships. Sherman with his stereotypical people who disliked him for pushing to be greater than just a failure and terry with her violence in her family and the people around (mostly adults) who shown her the hardships of people of color in those times. But they still had their differences, Sherman became who he is and went in literature to help his people come up to as he put it ā€œI am trying to save our livesā€. While Terry on the hand wanted to understand, what is around the ā€œcornerā€ what obstacles were coming. To put it ā€œunderstand what or see what life is going to throw at her.

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